Friday, July 13, 2007

Library Home Page/Blog - in Vic, Australia

I went looking for a library blog in Australia - that was my first criteria. So I was very happy to find one in somewhat familiar territory that is actually a really good site. Below is the library home page - the reason I provide the url for the home page is because there are multiple blogs across the top of this page! It's really great.

What I really liked was each blog has a different theme and provides links as well as commentary. So even though the Book Blog wasn't that current, the links were really good. I had seen or read about Library Thing and Fiction Connection and forgotten about them.

I thought the library web page was laid out well and I like the blogs across the top. Very visible and accessible. And they use Blogger - I recognized the templates!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

calling all MACs

Family MAC is here for all to use and learn.

Feel free to contribute, to comment, to correct as necessary

Let's get it together!

(will try to work on an album/video thingee)