Monday, April 13, 2009


I will never complain about all the junk I carry around again - the flotsam and jetsam I collect from Dad's house, Matt's room, and assorted other places. (like I'll never complain about the heat of the summer after a long, cold winter......) But anyway, I managed, out of the bowels of my car (no pun intended) to pull out a makeshift toilet and papertowels and a beach towel for covering the bare bum. The bum that resulted when Matt had a major accident in a storage area where there was no sign of a toilet. I put the box in the corner and he sat right down to relieve his already leaking bowels. He was obviously in distress, poor little guy. We stripped off his pants, boxers and shoes, wrapped him in a towel and went straight back to the group home. Disposable toilet and clothes got thrown away - I will now replace items in my car because you never know when an emergency will occur.

Oh, and Matt didn't forget to offer to help as he stood with his pants around his ankles and his willy dangling in the wind. He is a very thoughtful guy!

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