Friday, June 11, 2010


I try not to eat meals according to the clock when I am with Matt. I try the concept that eating when you are hungry is a good practice.

I also try - no success - convincing him that cleaning your plate is NOT necessary. Eat until you are full then stop.

But as Jimmy B said, Matt is an eating machine!

Monday, June 7, 2010

I won't be your caretaker - which part is hard to understand?

Today for the hundredth time I explained to my Dad that he needs a full time caretaker if he is to come home. Someone who can administer his insulin and monitor his other medicines.

He wants me to elevate my job hunting efforts but also wants me to cook and clean for him.

How can a formerly brilliant man have so much difficulty understanding the obvious?

Selfishness comes to mind.

Chin Hairs

OMG! Where do they come from?

I finally flipped my mirror over to magnify this morning and there was a long black hair sticking way out of my chin! How many people saw it? Why didn't anyone say something? I am mortified!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Just a little stressed I guess

I was at a workshop on genealogy all day. Last weekend I went to my college reunion in Massachusetts and took my brother Matt with me and dropped him at a cousins. this past week I presented an award at a local high school. last week I volunteered at an American Red Cross Gala event. I am a member of the Friends of the Library and I am also a friend to Matt and take him swimming every week.
Tonight I took my Dad to dinner and on the way home he pee'd in his pants. I am in the process of moving to his house because I can't afford to pay so much rent any more. And he thinks he will move home too - what, so I can take care of him? I am hiring movers because my family just can't commit to helping me move my fathers stuff so I can put my stuff in the house. It is all a bit much at the moment.

stopped at the house today and found that not one but two siblings had been in the house and took just what they wanted - effectively leaving the rest of the dismantling to me...or so it seemed to me. No notes, nothing. Just a few gaps in amongst the carnage of furniture and boxes.

Guess I am truly on my own - until of course they complain about something that I am supposedly responsible for!

No wonder I have developed shingles!